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Learn what conjunctivitis is and how to treat it

Learn what conjunctivitis is and how to treat it


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Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or swelling of the conjunctiva, a viral infection of the thin, transparent tissue that lines the inside of the eyelids and the white part of the eye

Its detection is simple, as the symptoms are easy to recognise, such as blurred vision, tearing, itching and burning, red eyes and pain.


It can be spread in various ways, the most common types being:


- Viral conjunctivitis: viral conjunctivitis is caused by various viruses. This type of conjunctivitis can start in one eye and spread to the other, as it spreads easily and quickly. It is very contagious and can spread from person to person.


Learn what conjunctivitis is and how to treat it

- Bacterial conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis is caused by the infection of certain bacteria in the eye. This type is very common in children who infect each other in schools and kindergartens.

Allergic conjunctivitis: this conjunctivitis occurs when the eyes are exposed to allergy-causing substances and the blood vessels of the conjunctiva become inflamed. Unlike the other two types, it is not contagious and affects both eyes. As it is caused by an allergy, it can occur seasonally.


Unfortunately, most of the time it is not curable, so some home remedies are recommended, for example:


Use chamomile, which has many antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as soothing and relieving the burning sensation. Simply prepare an infusion and wash your eyes with it, using gauze.

Artificial tears, antihistamine drops and Physiological solution also help soothe the eye and relieve itching.


From PharmacyClub we leave you with some options to take care of your eyes:

Learn what conjunctivitis is and how to treat it Learn what conjunctivitis is and how to treat it Learn what conjunctivitis is and how to treat it

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Remember that conjunctivitis spreads quite quickly, so here are some tips to avoid it: 

- Constant hand washing.

- Do not touch the eyes.

- Change the pillowcase often.

- Always remove make-up.

- In the swimming pool, wear swimming goggles.