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Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene

Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene

Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene


The menstrual cup has been around for years, but it's only recently become more widely known as a hygienic and protection option during menstruation.

Many women now choose it as their first choice to feel more secure. Not only is it chosen for its comfort, but the menstrual cup guarantees good effectiveness, durability for years, ease of use, and a commitment to the environment.


5 reasons to use the cup:

1. It's completely safe: developed with a material that's safe for the body, it can help prevent toxic shock syndrome.

Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene

2. Doesn’t affect your vaginal flora: it doesn't absorb menstrual fluid, so it doesn't dry out the vagina.

3. It's environmentally friendly: unlike conventional pads and tampons, it can last up to ten years.

4. You can use it for hours: despite the belief that menstrual flow is heavy, the cup proves otherwise and doesn't fill up quickly

5. It's a cost-effective purchase: a menstrual cup may cost around €20, but it lasts a long time.


How it is used?:

The menstrual cup is developed with a material that makes it completely flexible, moldable and suitable for our bodies.

We'll show you three ways to correctly insert the cup, but don't worry - it may take some time for many women to get used to it.

Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene

If you have difficulty inserting the cup, it's recommended to moisten it to make the process easier. If you're not sure how to position yourself to insert it, try different positions until you find the most comfortable one: squatting, standing, sitting, etc.

It's important that once inserted into your vagina, you use your fingers to check that it's well-adhered to the walls of the vagina and not still folded.


How to keep your cup clean?


It's important to note that the menstrual cup shouldn't be used for more than 12 hours. However, it's common to check and empty the cup every four hours to monitor the amount of flow.


During your period, you should only clean the cup with cold water when emptying it of fluid. However, before and after your period, it's necessary to sterilize it.

To do this, you'll need to boil it in water for a time ranging from 3 to 5 minutes. This will eliminate any impurities or bacteria before inserting it into our vagina

Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene


Now that you know the benefits of using a menstrual cup, we invite you to check out our recommendations below. On our website you'll find different styles to choose from. Select the one that suits you best and join the hygiene revolution of intimate care.



Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene


Menstrual Cup

Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene

Intima Lily Cup One

Menstrual Cup

Menstrual cup: join the revolution in intimate hygiene

Enna Cycle

Menstrual Cup